Concert for solista and other sad stories
Beatrice Marchi
Exo Exo, Paris
March 4 - March 11, 2016
press release

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris
Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi,
Autoritratto con microfoni, 2016
Pencil, pen and gesso on paper

Beatrice Marchi,
Contouring, 2016
Pencil, pen and gesso on paper

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi,
Non Conosco Nessuno (Isa B. ‘14), 2016
HD Video, sound
Applause at Ipanema Sunset #1, 2016
Found footage, digital video, sound

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi,
My heart for you, 2016
Pencil, pen, ink and gesso on paper

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi,
Tiky, Tech Kitty, 2015
HD Video, sound
Applause at Sunset on the Beach, 2016
Digital video, found footage, sound
Help, Sorry, I’m Sad on ‘Other’s Life’, 2014
HD Video, sound
Applause at Ipanema Sunset #2, 2016
Found footage, digital video, sound

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Beatrice Marchi, Concert for solista and other sad stories, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris