Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos
Michael Debatty, Noah Barker
Exo Exo, Paris
June 23 - June, 2016
press release

Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Noah Barker, Michael Debatty,
Oh me (Suspended), 2016
Air brush and Acrylic on Canvas, Gels

Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Noah Barker,
Manufactured Ground, 2016
Powder coated stainless steel

Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos, 2016
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Noah Barker,
Facilitating Mechanisms, 2016
Press release with text derived from collected statements made by Thomas Shannon, US Department of State Assistant Secretary of Western Hemisphere Affairs on 6 May, 2006 to the Council of the Americas
Exhibition map, exhibition visual

Noah Barker, Michael Debatty,
Oh me (Suspended), detail, 2016
Air brush and Acrylic on Canvas, Gels

Noah Barker, Michael Debatty,
Oh me (Suspended), detail, 2016
Air brush and Acrylic on Canvas, Gels

Michael Debatty,
Trash Talk, 2016
Air brush and Acrylic on Canvas

Michael Debatty,
Alea Jacta Est, 2016
Air brush and Acrylic on Canvas

Michael Debatty,
Jumbo Jet, 2016
Air brush and Acrylic on Canvas

Noah Barker, Michael Debatty,
Oh me (Suspended), detail, 2016
Air brush and Acrylic on Canvas, Gels

Noah Barker,
Facilitating Mechanisms, 2016
Press release with text derived from collected statements made by Thomas Shannon, US Department of State Assistant Secretary of Western Hemisphere Affairs on 6 May, 2006 to the Council of the Americas
Exhibition map, exhibition visual

Noah Barker,
Facilitating Mechanisms, 2016
Press release with text derived from collected statements made by Thomas Shannon, US Department of State Assistant Secretary of Western Hemisphere Affairs on 6 May, 2006 to the Council of the Americas
Exhibition map, exhibition visual