Cyril Aboucaya, Antoine Donzeaud, Matthieu Palud, Clara Stengel
curated by Elisa Rigoulet
Exo Exo, Paris
September 12 - September 19, 2013
press release

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Antoine Donzeaud,
Seladnav 1, 2 & 3, 2013
Toiles retournées sur châssis

Cyril Aboucaya,
Stéphanie, 2013
toile synthétique sur MDF, bois

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Antoine Donzeaud,
Neuf Cyclistes, 2013
MDF, éditions

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Clara Stengel,
Réplique, 2013
MDF, peinture

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Cyril Aboucaya,
Caroline, 2013
toile synthétique sur MDF, bois

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Re-place, 2013
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Matthieu Palud,
Sans titre, 2013
huile sur toile

Matthieu Palud,
Sans titre, 2013
huile sur toile

Matthieu Palud,
Sans titre, 2013
huile sur toile

Matthieu Palud,
Sans titre, 2013
huile sur toile

Matthieu Palud,
Sans titre, 2013
huile sur toile
Exo#1 Re-place is the first exhibition presented in the space located at 10ter rue Bisson, in Paris.
Re-place is about alternative layout.
Displayed without any consideration of specific functionality, the objects and images presented here seem to have been created on different scales with independent stories.
Their encounter interrupts the narrative and raises the question of the object's definition in terms of layout, place, and positioning.
The apparent dysfunctionality defers to the space heights which makes us regard each object in its own distance and according to its own user manual.
In the formal presentation and the display of its process and content, each form suggests its own continuity and independence.
Suggesting that each object belongs to a group with the same DNA, and that inside this global presentation, each object retains its individual assembly and exhibiting entity.
– Elisa Rigoulet