The greatest arrogance
Francisco G. Pinzón Samper, Gregory Kalliche
Exo Exo, Paris
June 7 – July 1, 2023
For preview

The greatest arrogance, 2023
Exo Exo, Paris

The greatest arrogance, 2023
Exo Exo, Paris

The greatest arrogance, 2023
Exo Exo, Paris

Gregory Kalliche,
Carrying Daylight, 2021
Color video with sound, media player
Melodic audio segments by Mikey Enwright

Francisco G. Pinzón Samper,
Untitled, 2023
Watercolor on cardboard and woodframe
49 x 40 x 12 cm

Francisco G. Pinzón Samper,
Untitled, 2023
Watercolor on cardboard and woodframe
49 x 40 x 12 cm

The greatest arrogance, 2023
Exo Exo, Paris

Francisco G. Pinzón Samper,
Screenshot, 2023
Watercolor on cardboard and woodframe
29 x 21 x 10 cm

Francisco G. Pinzón Samper,
Screenshot, 2023
Watercolor on cardboard and woodframe
29 x 21 x 10 cm

The greatest arrogance, 2023
Exo Exo, Paris

Gregory Kalliche,
The greatest arrogance, 2016
Single-channel HD anamorphic video with sound

Francisco G. Pinzón Samper,
Heloise and the cross, 2023
Tapestry in jacquard technique, aluminium and plexiglass
210 x 200 x 5 cm

The greatest arrogance, 2023
Exo Exo, Paris

Francisco G. Pinzón Samper,
Carrying daylight, 2023
Nail polish, chromed paint and garden light in elegant shoes
32 x 25 x 9 cm

Francisco G. Pinzón Samper,
Carrying daylight, 2023
Nail polish, chromed paint and garden light in elegant shoes
32 x 25 x 9 cm

Francisco G. Pinzón Samper,
Carrying daylight, 2023
Nail polish, chromed paint and garden light in elegant shoes
32 x 25 x 9 cm
Gregory : ‘The greatest arrogance title comes from an Oliver Houch quote: “The greatest arrogance was the stealing of the sun”. I read it as technological audacity, specifically applied to how electrical innovations have enabled the harnessing and control of ultraviolet light. The video features an ultraviolet bug lamp, one typically used to kill flying insects by confusing them to be drawn into the light, with
them mistaking the lamp for the moon, disrupting their flying patterns’.
– Francisco : Je vais faire un tapis pour le show.
(image de Heloise and the cross)
– Elisa : Oh wow
– E. : J’adore. J’ai envie de l’appeler ‘Carrying Daylight’ l’expo.
– F. : Beautiful
– E. : En FR tu préfères ?
– F. : En ENG ça me rappelle le nom ‘Christopher’ qui signifie ‘porteur du Christ’ and I love that… Carrying Daylight.
G : ‘During the course of the film toy blocks are constructed to be knocked down (using a motion capture process of the artist’s recorded hand movements) all happening under the harsh glow of ultraviolet. In addition to creating the lighting conditions in the 3D-modeled environment, the bug lamp directs movement, stimulates plant growth, and acts out its manipulative complexity as it becomes a central subject of video. I think carrying daylight is a nice pairing for this idea as it features an electrical box with different objects as filaments. Visualizing electricity as hot light’.
– E. : Le porteur de lumière est le messie.
– F. : Et ‘Daylight’ l’accompagne comme une poésie, très beau.
– E. : C’est le titre de la vidéo de Gregory.
– F. : Encore mieux ! Et je t’envoie les shoes aussi.
(image de Carrying daylight)
– F. : Literrally carrying daylight : )