This trail camera has Already sent your picture to my phone. Do us both a favor And leave.
Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié
Exo Exo, Paris
February 14 – March 2, 2019
press release

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié, This trail camera has Already sent your picture to my phone. Do us both a favor And leave., 2019
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié, This trail camera has Already sent your picture to my phone. Do us both a favor And leave., 2019
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié, This trail camera has Already sent your picture to my phone. Do us both a favor And leave., 2019
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris
Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié,
This is Not, excerpt, 2015
HD video, 16:50 min, 2:1

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié, This trail camera has Already sent your picture to my phone. Do us both a favor And leave., 2019
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié, This trail camera has Already sent your picture to my phone. Do us both a favor And leave., 2019
Exhibition view, Exo Exo, Paris

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié,
Do us both a favor And leave., detail, 2019
Fabric, apparel

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié,
Do us both a favor And leave., detail, 2019
Fabric, apparel

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié,
Do us both a favor And leave., detail, 2019
Fabric, apparel

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié,
Do us both a favor And leave., detail, 2019
Fabric, apparel, electronics

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié,
Do us both a favor And leave., detail, 2019
Fabric, apparel

Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié,
Do us both a favor And leave., detail, 2019
Fabric, apparel
The film ‘This is Not’ follows Regi, who flees from a huge factory closure and subsequently mass dismissal of staff, into the launch of his own Start-Up company.
He sells used cars by adding extravagant animal-tribal-ornaments on the engine covers. The surrounding mood of the other characters in the film is very subdued and numb. The former employees meet on the rooftops of the city and wait for a sign to boost morale. After starting a new business venture, Regi faces another dismissal. Regi then vacates the city accompanied by either more or less strangers...
The artwork was made in summer 2014, just before the final shut down of the Opel factory in Bochum. By means of urban gardening and the slogan “This is not Detroit”, the city marketing tried to oppose something to the people’s frustration about the drifting industry. Several protagonist of the film are living in Bochum, working as actors in the musical ‘Starlight Express’ which enjoys a great popularity of 30 years. Maybe because it has similarities in the appreciation of the old (Steam train) that is threatened by the new (Electric train).