Bending Binding, Evan Robarts, Deirdre Sargent
curated by Exo Exo
Sushi Bar, New York
October 1 - October 8, 2016
press release

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York

Bending Binding,
Kooling Systems (Front), 2016
Engraving on car radiator

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York
Deirdre Sargent,
Bowatte Lukyanova, excerpt, 2015-2016
Digital video

Evan Robarts,
40 ft2, 2016
Hydrocal on vinyl tile

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York

Bending Binding,
Kooling Systems (Bottom), 2016
Engraving on car radiator

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York

Triplication, 2016
Exhibition view, Sushi Bar, New York

Bending Binding,
Kooling Systems (Side), 2016
Engraving on car radiator
Valeria Lukyanova (Валерия Лукьянова in Russian) was born on August 23rd, 1985 in Tiraspol, Moldavia. Model, singer, blogger, Valeria Lukyanova introduces herself as a speaker on out-of-body travel and organizer of spiritual seminars. Internet phenomenon, she describes herself on her Facebook profile as a creative person.
Triplication explores signs and devices of urban areas and popular culture. Evan Robarts commits himself to a social and sociological approach and experiments with the modern principle of urban “gentrification”. It serves as the basis of his interest in work and “living together”, his use of construction materials and modules, but definitely also his attitude towards action and matter. Evan Robarts uses materials and objects taken from both the working-class environment and daily life, using certain aspects to celebrate the physical and visual context of blue-collar labor.
Fine and long legs, generous breasts, ribless, congealed face by diverse surgical transformations, lash extensions, heart-shaped mouth, reduced jaw, refined chin and nose.
There is a notion of an anticipated daily life and future domestic world in Bending Binding’s practice. They use and/or reclaim objects and materials of the present time - such as car radiators, neon, resin, candy, plastic, propellers, streams, flux - to produce their eventual evolution, a fantasized process of transformation or alteration.
Graduated from Odessa State Academy of Architecture and Construction, Valeria Lukyanova dedicates her time to astral journeys, meditation, as well as composition and song. She claims to be a life-size Barbie doll.
Those relics of a polluted and overproductive world as well as those transitional sculptures, aestheticized, celebrate the overwhelming power of the machine, the object and the shape, in its use and its disuse. In Deirdre Sargent’s latest film, Bowatte Lukyanova, Valeria merges her forms in a galactic journey with the red rocks of the Moab desert – planet Mars in the American Southwest. There she is the fossil, the “in decomposition” flesh in her present time. Juicy popular star, past heroine from a science fiction story.
– Elisa Rigoulet